Ocнre Cαprι

|BNHA OC | Class 3A | FC: Marika Tachibana|


Name: Ochre Capri
Hero Alias: Ambera
Age: 18
Birthday: 14th April
Zodiac: Aries
Nationality: French
Ethnicity: White European
Height (Imperial): 6"1
Height (Metric): 185.5cm
Weight (Imperial): 152 lb
Weight (Metric): 69kg
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual



Ochre's quirk, detonate, allows her to cause any item that she touches to explode. She does this by manipulating the atoms within the object, agitating them and causing the object to explode.

She is able to do this from a distance, however she must touch the object first and know which materials the objects are composed of, otherwise it will fail to detonate and could instead become hazardous. Furthermore the energy required to agitate the atoms comes directly from the energy that her body generates to function. So the larger the object and the more she uses her quirk, the more it saps her stamina.

Due to this and the fact that she worries that her allies could easily get caught up in large explosions, she prefers to use her quirk to support her use of long range weaponry such as sniper rifles and her custom made bow, which also collapses into a portable zipwire, by making the projectiles explode on impact. She uses this primarily as a means to distract or disorient targets and provide windows for other heroes to detain the villains and/or rescue hostages. She also uses it to cover her allies if a situation takes a turn for the worse by forcing the villains to scatter for cover allowing the heroes to escape and regroup.

She is a highly skilled archer and sniper. She can easily hit targets from up to 1640 yards (1500m) away.


Ochre is a tall girl with a fairly full but toned figure. She is notably pretty, possessing a heart shaped face, strawberry blonde hair styled like a bob at the front but left long at the back, light brown eyes and a fair complexion. While she doesn't wear much make up, she invests quite a bit in skincare products and so has a remarkably clear complexion and very soft, fresh looking skin. However she is rather insecure and often devalues herself.

When other people comment on her physical appearance she tends to get anxious and perceives it negatively and will often try to change it up unless someone makes it obvious that they were trying to compliment her.

She tends to dress modestly, in earthy colours, outside of class and her work as a hero. She often adopts a less is more principle and so keeps her wardrobe simple, but still stylish.


Despite what her intimidating height and quirk might initially lead others to believe; Ochre is a gentle, affectionate and mild mannered girl.

When she first started Yuuei, she was considered a selective mute, and still is if she's in a situation where she doesn't know anybody there, as her anxiety would get to the point where even when she tried to speak to others, the words physically would not leave her mouth. Something which upset and frustrated her a lot as she is always very eager to make friends despite her difficulties with communication.

However, she has come a long way since then and is usually quite chatty with people that she knows and trusts. However, she still finds it difficult to talk to strangers and often has to be introduced to new people by her existing friends and even then it can take a while for her to feel fully comfortable around them.

She tends to be a bit clingy, but also generous with her friends once she's made them and rarely questions their motives, as she naturally believes the best in them and it doesn't always occur to her that the people she feels close to may have underlying motives, making it easy for her to be taken advantage of.

She is also a very patient individual who can deal with the most obnoxious of people for extended periods of time, however she does not lack willpower by any means.

She knows what she wants and how to get it and she isn't afraid to stand up for herself and others in dangerous situations when the need arises.

Furthermore, when she does get into an argument with someone she can be rather petty and will often blank said person or refuse to speak to them for days at a time. However, it is rare that she loses her temper and she is usually quite mature and amicable.


Ochre was born and raised in Lyon, France to a rather unusual couple. Her mother, Vermilion, is a hero specialising in undercover work and her father, Loic, was a quirkless employee at a small greengrocers, which he would later come to own after the original owner retired.

Unfortunately, her work frequently kept Vermilion away from home and her budding family, however little Ochre still idolized her mother from afar and aspired to be like her one day. Despite her admiration, this separation caused Ochre to develop a closer bond with her father than with her mother and so she communicates more freely with her father.

When Ochre turned four, it marked three major events in her life. First, her quirk finally manifested, a quirk that would be strong enough to eventually grant her her dream of becoming a hero like her mother. But one which would require her to be monitored constantly by her family and quirk councillors due to her quirk's destructive potential.

Secondly the first of her two younger siblings, Claret, was born. She doted upon her and would often help her parents in any way she could, as her mother was back to work almost immediately after the birth and her father had been promoted to owner of the store and so found it tricky to juggle between both of his obligations. So Ochre would do little jobs like collecting items, packing away breakables, playing with her sister to keep her occupied and singing her to sleep at night while her Dad did the finances.

She also started school that year. Even back then she was shy and struggled to communicate and so she was unable to make friends with the other children, despite her numerous failed attempts which would often result in her going home in tears. Something which would become a recurring theme throughout most of her schooling. However, she did join the school choir, where she was able to express herself to some extent.

By the time she was ten she had become more serious about becoming a hero and so her mother began to train her at home between jobs. However, determined and diligent, Ochre continued to train independently every day after school.

Also, within a year, her second sister was born. They named her Saffron, and this time Ochre was charged with a lot more responsibility. She shared a lot of the domestic jobs such as cooking and cleaning with her Dad and was often put in charge of her younger siblings while her Father was working late. Something which taught her many valuable life skills and cemented a strong bond with both of her sisters.

By the time she was fourteen, Ochre had started taking entrance exams for local hero schools in preparation for the next year and received seven unconditional offers. However, her timidness still held her back socially. Seeing this, her mother thought that a change of pace would help her to open up and improve her cooperation skills. So, she got in touch with an old friend and who was able to secure Ochre a place at Yuuei on a recommendation.

Tentatively, she accepted the offer to study abroad and began taking night classes to learn Japanese in preparation for the next year.

Upon arriving she was sorted into the A class and she once again went through the regular routine of trying and failing to communicate. However, this class proved to be more patient with her. Through a lot of mutual effort, Ochre was finally able to open up to her classmates and has thrived. She is now in her third year.